Q & A

Q. What is #THEREFOREYOU's mission? A. We aim to enrich child welfare and promote social equality.
Q. When was #THEREFOREYOU first founded? A. January 2019.
Q. Who founded #THEREFOREYOU? A. A Korean student Yeyoung Jeon founded with Dain Kim.
About Articles

Q. Can I just submit the article without joining as an official staff member? A. You are always welcome to do so. For more information, go to the Join Us page.
Q. Why does #THEREFOREYOU write articles? A. We write articles to raise public awareness.s In other words, we write articles to shine the social inequalities and public issues related to diverse categories.
About Crowdfundings

Q. What is crowdfunding? A. It is a type of funding done online to finance projects. If you donate money, then you can get a reward. The reward comes in many different formats, but it's mostly our self-designed products
Q. Can I participate in crowdfunding any time I want? Due to crowdfunding's nature, crowdfunding is available for only certain periods. We will share the story whenever the next crowdfunding starts, so stay in touch!
About Recruitments

Q. When's the next staff recruitment? Staff members usually work for a year, so we usually post the recruitment notice no later than late January. The recruitment notice will be posted on the following websites: 1) thereforeyou.com 2) mygongmo.com 3) linkareer.com 4) allforyoung.com 5) contestkorea.com
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