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Digital Healthcare: The New Way of Diagnosis
A 12-year-old girl living in Detroit, Michigan, usually wore a smartwatch on her wrist. One day last year, a warning sound suddenly rang...

Using Digital Therapy to Treat Mental Health Problems
Recently, the National Assembly proposed a bill to support digital treatments called "third-generation treatments." As digital...

나노 모터를 사용한 인공관절
자동차가 가스를 이용해 움직이는 것처럼 화학에너지를 기계적 운동으로 전환해 체내를 항해할 수 있는 미세한 모터가 존재하며, 현재 질병 치료와 퇴치를 위해 연구되고 있다. 중국에 있는 남방 의과대학과 쑨원 대학의 과학자들은 최근 연구에서 현재까지...

Inserting Computer Chip Inside the Brain?
Elon Musk predicted a clinical trial within six months, saying that the computer chip of the startup Neuralink, the company he founded,...

Be Aware of Environmental Hormones During Pregnancy!
Studies have shown that a complex of endocrine disruptors encountered during pregnancy affects a child's brain development and language...

Fine Dust Degrading Brain Functions
The joint research team at Seoul National University Hospital (Professor Park Jin-ho, Professor Jeong Han-young of Neurology), Boramae...

James Webb Space Telescope's Discovery for Sulfur Dioxide
The James Webb Space Telescope first detected "sulfur dioxide" on a planet orbiting a star 700 light years away from Earth. Sulfur...

Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy
Studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption by pregnant women can negatively affect the height of their child who gave birth....

PHA Production Using Food Waste
The amount of plastic waste generated more than doubled in nine years from 156 million tons in 2010 to 353 million tons in 2019. On the...
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