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Bicycle to Reduce Carbon Emission

Bicycles are the most active alternative to preventing the climate crisis. Overseas cities such as Europe are trying to transform themselves into 'bicycle-oriented cities' to reduce carbon emissions.

(Picture from Usnplash)

Lee Jae-young, a senior researcher at the Daejeon Sejong Institute, said in a presentation on the theme of "Carbon Neutral Bicycle Use Revitalization Seminar" held at Gyeongju Hwabaek Convention Center in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, on the 15th, "We are also responsible for many disasters this year due to climate change." The seminar was followed by a comprehensive discussion by experts, starting with the presentation of the theme of "the era of carbon neutrality, the role of the state and local governments to revitalize the use of bicycles."

"Unfortunately, bicycles are missing from Korea's carbon reduction strategy in the transportation sector," Dr. Lee said. While carbon reduction measures to reduce 30 million tons by supplying electric and hydrogen vehicles are difficult, expensive, and less effective, bicycle measures are easy, inexpensive and effective.

"The share of bicycle transportation in Korea is only 1.6%, which is very low," he said. "If a person changes his transportation from a car to a bicycle, he can save 1,117kg of carbon dioxide a year. If the share of bicycle is 10%, he can save 15.6 million tons, which can achieve 42% of the transportation sector's reduction target." Dr. Lee said that in order to revitalize the use of bicycles, the current incomplete road traffic law system should be reorganized, a new bicycle-centered urban transportation strategy should be developed, and a safe infrastructure should be established.

Professor Yoon Je-yong of Seoul National University then headed the discussion and shared opinions on legal and institutional maintenance measures and infrastructure expansion to revitalize the use of bicycles, including Lee Joon-sik, a professor at Ajou University, Chung Kyu-ok, a senior researcher at the Korea Transportation Institute, and Oh Yong-seok, secretary-general of the Daegu Sustainable Development Council.

Professor Lee, who serves as a member of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Subcommittee of the Carbon Neutral Green Growth Committee, said, "Activating bicycle use requires a quantum jump strategy to accelerate carbon neutrality in the transportation sector". From the perspective of cyclists, we need to prepare roads, signals, and storage infrastructure.

We need to come up with policies to spread the perception that bicycles are a very useful means of transportation and direct support policies to expand the base of users. We should actively introduce programs to support citizens' experience in bicycle use and the spread of culture.

Meanwhile, a workshop for local government officials in charge of the bicycle business will be held on the 16th. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety shares the policy direction of bicycles in 2023, and Dr. Jeon Woo-hoon of the Korea Institute of Construction and Technology explains the "standard for installing and managing bicycle facilities." Excellent cases will also be shared, such as "Every Moment of Gyeongju, Running on a Bicycle" in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and "Citizen's Step to Realize Carbon Neutralization" in Sejong City.

Writer: Jessy Kim


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