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Coffee and Oesteoarthritis

Women who drink more than one cup of coffee every day have a 40% lower risk of developing knee osteoarthritis than women who do not, according to a study. This effect has not been proven in men, and the research team explained that coffee may have had a positive effect on female hormone levels.

Kim Jae-kyun, a professor of orthopedics at Korea University Ansan Hospital, analyzed the results of the 2010-2011 National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted on 5,503 people (2314 men and 3,189 women) aged 50 or older. This is to find out the correlation between drinks such as coffee and knee osteoarthritis.

As a result of the analysis, the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in women who drink more than one cup of coffee a day was 42.1%, lower than that of women who drink no or little coffee (48.9%). However, in the case of men, the effect of coffee on preventing knee osteoarthritis has not been proven.

The research team interpreted that coffee was helpful in preventing osteoarthritis in women as "the result of coffee having a positive effect on the level of 'estrogen', one of the female hormones." If the level of estrogen in the blood decreases after menopause, there is a concern of "bone loss," which leads to osteoarthritis, and coffee may have prevented it. The research team explained that further research is needed on this part.

The research team noted the efficacy of "polyphenol" in coffee. Polyphenol is known to remove active oxygen that causes osteoarthritis. In the paper, the research team said, "Active oxygen generation plays an important role in the development of osteoarthritis," adding, "Coffee contains polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects."

Writer: Chelsie Song


Jung, Bongoh. “커피 하루 1잔 이상 마신 여성, '무릎 골관절염' 위험 40%↓.”, 7 Nov. 2021,


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