Detox is the elimination of toxins and wastes from the body. Detox diets were once popular. You can lose weight by removing toxins from the body first. After sleeping for six to eight hours, wastes are piled up in the body in the morning. Since you don't drink a drop of water and move less, your body's toxins are bound to increase. How can we reduce waste and toxins?
You don't have to find expensive food first to remove toxins. A glass of lukewarm water right after waking up in the morning is the best "detox" food. The most important thing, too, is waste discharge. Drinking water "cleans" the stomach, intestines, and blood cleanly and boosts the metabolism of the body that fell off while sleeping. Metabolism is to change the old into the new in the body. Blood becomes sticky due to a lack of moisture, which can revitalize people at high risk of vascular disease.
Lemon water with lemon in water is one of Hollywood stars' favorite detox foods. It discharges harmful substances from the body and gently releases toxins from the intestines and urinary tract. It also helps digest breakfast food and is rich in vitamin C to reduce body damage. However, acid components such as citric acid may not be good for the gastric mucosa. It's better to take a good look at an individual's physical condition and drink it.
There may be some people who ate apples when they had constipation symptoms. Apples contain pectin, which is good for detoxification, as well as vitamins and minerals. It has the function of combining heavy metals and harmful cholesterol in the body and discharging them. It also helps clean the intestines. If you eat apples after filling your stomach with boiled eggs in the morning, you don't have to worry about the gastric mucosa.
The health effects of blueberries are well known. The flaw is that it is expensive. It takes a lot of labor because people have to pick each small fruit themselves. Blueberries are one of the foods with high antioxidant levels. There are many anthocyanins that reduce body damage and aging, which help detoxify and relieve inflammation. It is a detox food that helps clean blood to prevent vascular diseases and facilitates blood circulation.
(Picture from Unsplash)
We can't leave out grapes when we talk about blueberries. It is also a food rich in anthocyanin. Grapes are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are effective in releasing bad cholesterol (LDL). Flavonoid components are good for preventing arteriosclerosis and heart disease by suppressing the generation of blood clots blocking blood vessels. The resveratrol component of grapes inhibits inflammation and cancer.
Writer: Yeyoung Jeon