Eating disorders refer to eating behavior disorders caused by an excessive obsession with certain body shapes and weights.
Anorexia is an eating disorder that shows extreme fear of weight gain and is generally common among late teens and 30s. Anorexia is divided into a restricted type and a bulimic type, which literally rejects food. The binge eating and removing type shows symptoms of vomiting after eating a small amount of food or thinking that the amount of food eaten as much as the general public is binge eating.
Recently in Korea, a 'Pro-Ana people' who envy anorexia for their skinny body have appeared in young people, and they have developed into a form of refusing treatment in hopes of getting anorexia. 'Pro-Ana' is a group of people who want to get the disease because they want to be extremely skinny, or who refuse treatment even though they are already anorexic, and want to lose weight due to anorexia.
Bulimia patients eat food out of control within a short period of time (within about two hours) than the average person can eat. After eating food, he vomits what he ate due to the obsession and guilt of gaining weight, or abuses diarrhea drugs and diuretics. Unlike anorexic patients, the majority of bulimia patients often have weight in the normal range, and they have too much interest and concern about their weight and appearance.
In general, many bulimia patients prefer sweet and high-calorie foods such as ice cream, chocolate, and cake, and after vomiting, they often complain of depression due to hormonal effects. It is better to calculate calories and provide snacks not exceeding that range.
Such eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are often difficult to self-diagnose as many patients think they have no problems. Families watching from the side often visit hospitals for treatment, and many patients with eating disorders are often accompanied by depression and anxiety system disorders. When treating, you should take care of your body as well as your mental health.
Writer: Stella Lim
(Picture from Unsplash)