My 4 years of Wanbang High School life as a “multicultural global servant leader” can’t be explained in one single word. I learned to become a truthful person, I practiced taking care of other people, I had the opportunities to meet friends with diverse perspectives, and I strived to become a better person and a better student. If I can summarize my Wanbang life in one sentence, I think Wanbang’s motto can exactly do such work: be honest, be diligent, and love others. With my commitment and characteristics that interact with such ideas, I think I now have my plan for my future.
First, I learned to be honest. In my opinion, honesty is the best weapon that I can have in order to protect myself when I am going out into a society full of deception and sin. Though honesty sometimes seems like I am just getting disadvantaged and going around, I know that I am not just being honest in front of people but also in front of God. While learning to be honest, I realized that I am a diligent and hardworking person. Such ideas and my personal characteristics can further make me become an honest student. The teacher’s anecdote tells me that lots of students in college try to cheat instead of putting their effort in; however, as a person who believes that only perseverance and effort can only lead me to a truly good result, I will further carry out my honest effort into the college. Such a mindset will help me to grow as both a student and a person.
Second, I learned to be diligent. I think diligence not only applies to studying but also to every part of my life. I can be diligent in the field I am interested in, and I can be diligent in the work that I am responsible for. Anyway, diligence makes me make goals and achieve those goals. I think such an idea can help me to become a more initiative person in college. I will continue to pave my way and contribute to the field of public health and medicine when I go to college, and diligence will further help me to initiatively and actively achieve my goal.
Third, I learned to love others. I think love is like a foundation for every action that we consider to be good. For example, being considerate of others is a consequence of having a loving heart. Therefore, if I get to love people, other positive and considerate actions come out naturally. One thing that I should keep in my mind is how much love I received because people can easily share their love when they feel like they have received a lot. The greatest love that I learned in Wanbang is Jesus’s love, and adding to that, I know that I have received love from teachers, parents, and friends. I will remember the loves that I have received and will continue to spread what I have received.
Three main things that I learned in Wanbang High School will continue to intermingle with my commitment and characteristics and help me to grow and mature in college. I will continue to carry out my plan in college.
Writer: Yeyoung Jeon
