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Lacking Doctors and Public Health Workers

As the number of public health doctors (public health doctors) resources, which are one of the pillars of public health care, decreases year by year, concerns about a medical vacuum in rural areas are growing. South Gyeongsang Province recently announced that the number of newly allocated journalists will decrease this year, and that the number of people deployed in 18 cities and counties will decrease by two or three. Usually, the number of new employees is only five to seven less than the number of discharged personnel, but this year, the number will reach 15. Local governments with good medical infrastructure can afford to survive, but counties that already lack public information doctors will be hit hard. The problem is that there are no base cities that can be moved within an hour, such as Hanyang, Jichang, Hadong, and Namhae. If cooperation with the private sector and a round-trip medical examination are not allowed, the government has no choice but to consolidate and consolidate health offices or place them at offices without official reports.

The lack of resources in the official press is not new. By 2012, the number of journalists exceeded 4,000. However, as of 2022, only 3,389 are in service. This is the first time in 10 years that the number has decreased by about 1,000. The number of new members of the bulletin remained at 2,000 a year until 2008, but fell to the 1,000 mark last year. Even so, the number of dentists and oriental medicine doctors has not changed much, but the number of ordinary doctors has decreased by more than half. The number of medical schools nationwide has been limited to 3,058 for 18 years, so resources themselves cannot be increased. In addition, the proportion of female students has increased from 14 percent in the early days of the introduction of the public relations system to 35 percent recently. Male students also prefer active service to journalists who serve twice as long. It is also significant that the system of medical graduate schools, which has more military writers than unwritten ones, lasted for more than 10 years. As long as the current situation continues, the number of journalists will inevitably decrease.

In a sense, the issue of the bulletin may be just a part of the entire medical system facing Korea. Pediatrics, one of the essential medical subjects, is unable to find a major doctor due to the decrease in the number of patients and the increase in conflicts caused by the declining birthrate. It has been happening for a long time in obstetrics and gynecology and internal surgery. Doctors and hospitals are becoming increasingly biased toward large cities. In order to solve this problem, the number of medical schools should be increased, but it failed every time due to opposition from the medical community. The previous administration discussed the establishment of a local medical system that requires doctors to work in certain areas, including vulnerable medical areas, for 10 years, and a bill to establish a public medical medical school. The 12 bills proposed by the 21st National Assembly for the establishment of a medical school have also made little progress.

He spent 360 million won a year recruiting medical specialists in the health and medical department in South Gyeongsang Province, but no one applied. Money is past the stage to solve the shortage of public healthcare resources. The only way to increase the number of medical doctors is to expand the number of medical schools. This is also a way to expand the number of medical personnel in essential medical subjects. Yoon Suk Yeol Even though the government is trying to drive, it should be carried out this time. In order to resolve the current vacuum in the press, the government must devise ways to utilize its intention to retire. In the long run, it is also a way to establish a public medical school and make it mandatory to serve in the local press.

Writer: Yeyoung Jeon


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