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Making Quarantine Rules as a Daily Routine

It has already been three years since the outbreak of COVID-19 in November 2019.

Not only did the people become very alert as they went through the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th, and the 6th, but they thought that COVID-19 should calm down to some extent through vaccinations.

However, the quarantine authorities predicted the seventh pandemic, in which the number of COVID-19 infections could occur up to 200,000 a day after December, and infectious disease experts warned that the situation could worsen out of control.

We need to look back on what and how much has changed from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th, and the 6th pandemic, and how much they warn up to 200,000 people.

(Picture from Unsplash)

When the obligation to wear outdoor masks was lifted, many local governments competitively held local festivals that had been suspended for many years, and the stadium was filled with shouts of visitors, including baseball and soccer, and various music management competitions were echoed.

With so many people gathered, let's enjoy it and shout slogans and ask ourselves, "Did you wear a 2m distance and mask well?"

While we participate in various events, enjoy, and shout slogans, the number of COVID-19 infections may increase without us knowing, and the seventh pandemic may be approaching faster and stronger.

The use of masks has been completely lifted outdoors, and he will say, "What's the problem with the increase in the number of COVID-19 infected people when they don't wear masks at the playground, singing contests, rallies, or take off masks at a moment?"

On September 26, the quarantine authorities announced the complete lifting of the obligation to wear outdoor masks, and clearly recommended the use of masks in the following cases: If you have suspected symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, and sore throat, If you are at high risk for COVID-19 (aged, immunocompromised, chronic respiratory disease, etc.) or in close contact with high-risk groups, If you have a lot of droplets such as shouting, chorus, or conversation, it is clearly recommended to use a mask.

Among us, it is inferred that some people may have neglected the recommendation that the quarantine authorities warned, "If there are many droplets such as shouting, choral, conversation, and assembly, masks should be used."

The reason why the quarantine authorities recommended wearing masks outdoors, such as shouting, chorus, and conversation, in a situation where many people are concentrated is as follows.

The main methods of spreading COVID-19 include talking, coughing, or sneezing, when droplets or small particles are buried in other people's eyes, nose, and mouth, and breathing air near infected people who emit virus-containing droplets or small particles.

In particular, since "one cough of an infected person causes more than 3,000 droplets and spreads the virus around it," keeping a distance of 2m is not an option but a must if a mask is not used.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report on the aftereffects of COVID-19, various clinical symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty breathing, depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline are reported, so be particularly careful.

For the elderly over 60, the flu vaccination rate is 77%, while the COVID-19 vaccination rate is low at 12%, and parents are also worried that students' education will be converted to remote classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 is not only a problem for the government, but also for our health, education, and the future of the Republic of Korea.

Keep in mind that the responsibility for protecting my family from COVID-19 and the 7th pandemic lies with me, not with the government, and we should all worry together, and make it a daily life to keep a distance of 2m and wash our hands.

Writer: Yeyoung Jeon (Lina)


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