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Misleading Health Product Advertisements in SNS

While there is a culture of obtaining product-related information or purchasing products directly from SNS operated by influencer, which has a large number of followers, there are cases of false and exaggerated advertising using the influence of influencer.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 9th that it has detected eight distribution companies and 15 influencers who made false and exaggerated advertisements using fake experiences, saying they are effective in detoxification and dieting.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety plans to take administrative action and take measures against the companies caught this time. In addition, 153 false and exaggerated advertisements (33 products) were requested to be blocked by the Korea Communications Commission.

The announcement was made as part of an online health and security project. This is the result of an intensive inspection of Nuri Communication Network Service (SNS), which has more than 100,000 followers influencer (including YouTubers). influencer, which was caught, was found to have misled consumers by posting comparative photos before and after taking products using the experience book method, and by correcting them, emphasizing their slim figure.

The main detections included 65 false and exaggerated advertisements such as detoxification, 34 experience ads comparing before and after consumption, 27 false and confusing advertisements for health functional foods such as diet and effectiveness, 15 consumer deception ads, and 5 anti-cancer and heart disease.

influencer Most of them showed their daily lives through SNS, and they were caught selling products by posting advertisements about changes in their face, body size, and weight before and after consuming certain products. They used a method to induce consumers to buy by linking their own shopping mall to the first screen of their SNS account or announcing the date of joint purchase in advance.

Company A, a distribution specialist, asked famous YouTuberB to advertise its experience in order to advertise general foods as if they were effective in boosting energy. YouTuberB was caught in the middle of making and circulating videos using obscene expressions that they had taken the product and had an effect on boosting energy.

Many false and exaggerated advertisements on online shopping malls and Facebook accounts were also caught. YouTuberC referred to a specific product as a "spout car" and used real-time live footage to induce purchasing. They also made false and exaggerated advertisements using phrases such as "detox, toxin discharge, waste removal, swelling removal" and posted them on their SNS accounts.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety warned that anyone, including influencer, YouTubers, bloggers, and advertising agencies, can face criminal punishment if they post false or exaggerated advertisements or advertisements using them.

An official from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said, "We will continue to monitor unfair advertising practices that deceive consumers using influencer. We plan to impose strong sanctions such as administrative punishment and prosecution on intentional habitual offenders." He went on to ask consumers not to be misled by false or exaggerated advertisements when they buy products advertised or sold by influencer etc. on SNS.

Writer: Yeyoung Jeon


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