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Positive Health Effects of Eating Strawberry

Winter is the season of strawberries. In celebration of the seasonal "strawberry" season, various products using strawberries are being introduced at cafes as well as hotels. Learn about the efficacy of strawberries.

Strawberry helps improve immunity and prevent cancer

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which improves immunity and prevents colds. Strawberries contain 67mg of vitamin C per 100g, 1.6 times more than tangerines and 2.6 times more than kiwis. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which prevents cell damage from harmful substances in the body and helps recover wounds. In addition, there is less sugar than other sweet fruits, so there is less increase in blood sugar.

Strawberries also help prevent cancer. This is because an ingredient called "elagic acid" contained in strawberries causes "apoptosis" in cancer cells, suppressing cancer cells. Apoptosis is a natural death of cells in the way cells die controlled by genes. In particular, elaxic acid is abundant in strawberry seeds. According to a study by Indianapolis in the U.S., elagic acid and elagitanin, which are abundant in strawberries, also stop the growth of cancer cells in vivo.

Strawberries also help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because strawberries are rich in anthocyanins and antioxidants that prevent stress or inflammation, which are the causes of heart disease. The darker the red color of strawberries, the more anthocyanin it contains. According to a research team at the University of Cuopio in Finland, the group that consumed strawberries had elevated HDL cholesterol levels and improved blood pressure and platelet function.

It is recommended to keep strawberries unwashed. This is because it ripens faster when moisture touches it. It is also a good idea to store it in an airtight container without removing the tip or covering it with plastic wrap. It can prevent moisture from evaporating inside the strawberry.

Strawberries are easily destroyed when heated or ground in a mixer. Also, it is not good to eat with tea such as green tea or black tea. This is because the bitter tannin of tea denatures the vitamins of strawberries.

Writer: Linda Chen

(Picture from Unsplash)


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