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Working Individually Versus Working in a Team

The advancement of technology allowed faster internet that helps people to carry out conversations with the online system. Because of this, interactions with different kinds of people became convenient and prevalent in today's society. Although some people might believe that working as an individual brings out more inspiration, it is better to work as a team because it allows people to receive feedback and come up with better ideas.

People should definitely consider working as a team because it allows them to have feedback from other people. When people work alone, they cannot refer to other people's work or ideas. What this means is that individual workers cannot have standards that have been approved by other people. Without an acceptable standard, some individual workers have a high possibility to have a difficult time confirming whether they are going in the right direction as they have planned. However, teamwork provides appropriate ideas and things to improve that have been confirmed and accepted by many people. Like this, working cooperatively provides feedback that can allow people to stay in a place where they have planned initially.

Humans should work as a team because it helps them to bring out better ideas. Many people are born with different interests. Because of this, they have different qualities or things that they are good at. This means that having a large population lead them to come up with different perspective, even with the same topic or problems. Some people can approach the topic in an objective way, while others might approach it emotionally. These differences allow people to keep continue the conversations and interactions to enhance the final solution. Thus, from this process, people can learn from others and come up with better ideas to solve problems.

Although working alone certainly has some advantages such as being able to decide everything on their own, there are numerous amounts of advantages of working cooperatively that outweigh them, such as assisting people to acquire feedback and extract better ideas.

Writer: Amy Jeong


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