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Short Stories

낡은 반짝임
*소설 소개 사람들은 성장하면서 현실과 타협하기 위해 자신의 낭만을 깎는다. 자신이 무엇을 좋아했었는지, 싫어했었는 지조차 알 수 없는 상태로 하루하루가 바쁜 현대인의 삶. 그러한 곳에서 자신이 갖고 있던 낭만과 이상은 오랜...

Why I Decided to Become a Doctor as a Student
Staying in the library until the light goes out, I devoured cases of accurate diagnosis and successful surgeries that magically brought...

Importance of Family
“Slap.” Everyone has a door in their house. It could be a Dutch Door, French Door, Hinged Door, Pivot door, wooden door, glass door,...

강자와 약자, 그리고 우월함
이번 한 학기 동안 철학 시간에 배운 것 중 가장 기억에 남는 것은 니체이다. 니체는 많은 이야기와 비유를 만들었고 그의 생각을 글로 남겼지만 니체의 많은 사상은 “도덕에서의 노예의 반란”을 기반으로 만들어젔다. 내가 철학시간에 배운 것들 중...

Mystery Case: The Truth of the Brother's Death
Before the 8:00 evening news started, Graslina sat on the floor with a plate of fruit as usual. The reporter soon started to report the...

After the long class ends I went to play with my friends The playground was my favorite place Where I could race and chase When the sun’s...

Responsibility for an Alarm Clock
A few days ago, I was trying to have some deep sleep on a weekend. As usual, I took out the clean bedsheet and a white pillow to prepare...

Memory When I was young I was different among True love was what I felt after we met I can no longer forget I grew up, had a dream But...

For Everyone's Sake
For everyone’s sake (1953, Korea) Bombardment: under the stubbornly stained darkness. Fusillade: obstinately stuck ammunition in poor...
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